June 12-16, 2017, at Sloan School of Business, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The workshop was sponsored by the MIT Sloan Latin America Office.
The workshop is designed to serve as an opportunity for developers of mathematical optimization software within the JuMP “stack” (i.e., solvers, solver interfaces, MathProgBase, JuMP, and JuMP extensions) to meet and focus on advancing common interests. JuMP core developers will present on the internals of JuMP and solicit feedback in preparation for the release of JuMP 1.0 (targeted for July, 2017). Attendees are welcome to contribute to the JuMP stack itself or to pursue JuMP-related projects while having the JuMP developers in the same room for questions and feedback.
On Monday morning until the lunch break, Tuesday all day, and Wednesday all day, the workshop will take place in the room E62-223. This is on the second floor of the main building of MIT Sloan.
Thursday all day and Friday all day, the workshop will take place in the room E62-650. This is on the sixth floow of the main building of MIT Sloan.
Room E62-223 (until lunch)
09:00 Welcome and Introduction (Juan Pablo Vielma, MIT) [Slides] [Video]
09:25 Overview and Welcome (Miles Lubin, MIT) [Video]
09:30 The design of JuMP and MathProgBase (Miles Lubin, MIT) [Slides] [Video]
10:30 The design and architecture of Pajarito (Chris Coey, MIT) [Slides] [Video]
11:00 Coffee break and group photo
11:45 A Graph-Based Architecture for Optimization Modeling Frameworks (Steven Diamond, Stanford) [Video]
12:15 Lunch break
Room E51-376 (after lunch)
14:30 Plans and priorities for JuMP 1.0 and MathProgBase 1.0 (Miles Lubin)
15:00 Discussion and feedback on JuMP 1.0 and MathProgBase 1.0, discuss important issues including MathProgBase issue #164 on solver statuses and MathProgBase issue #168 on a new standard problem format
17:00 Finish
Room E62-223 (all day)
09:10 Welcome for the day
09:15 Sum-of-squares optimization in Julia [remote presentation] (Benoît Legat, Université Catholique de Louvain) [Slides] [Video]
09:45 PowerModels.jl: A Brief Introduction (Carleton Coffrin, Los Alamos National Lab) [Slides] [Video]
10:15 Coffee break
10:45 Stochastic programming in energy systems (Joaquim Dias Garcia, PSR and PUC-Rio) [Slides] [Video]
11:15 Graph-based modeling using JuMP (Jordan Jalving, UW-Madison) [Slides] [Video]
11:45 Decarbonization of power systems using JuMP (Nestor Sepulveda, MIT)
12:15 Lunch break
14:00 Working with JuMP’s macros for extensions (Yee Sian Ng, MIT) [Notebook] [Video]
14:30 PiecewiseLinearOpt.jl: Solving optimization problems containing piecewise linear functions (Joey Huchette, MIT) [Slides] [Video]
15:00 OSQP.jl: A Julia wrapper and extensions for the Operator Splitting QP solver (Bartolomeo Stellato, Oxford) [Slides] [Video]
15:30 SolverStudio + Julia (Oscar Dowson, University of Auckland) [Video]
16:00 Finish
Room E62-223 (all day)
09:00 Tutorial and live coding with Documenter.jl
11:00 A talk on automatic differentiation using ForwardDiff.jl and ReverseDiff.jl (Jarrett Revels, MIT) [Video]
11:45 Lunch break
14:00 Developer collaboration
17:00 Finish
Room E62-650 (all day) Updated
09:00 Developer collaboration, brainstorming on JuMP’s containers (JuMP issue #1047)
12:00 Lunch break
14:00 Developer collaboration, brainstorming on solver callbacks (MathProgBase issue #170)
16:00 Finish
18:00 Workshop dinner
10:00 Tour of the MIT Museum (meet at 265 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge)
11:30 Lunch break
Room E62-650 Updated
14:00 Developer collaboration, brainstorming on the future of algebraic modeling languages (Chris Coey)
17:00 Finish
Contact mlubin at mit.edu for more information.